This part of my life began when my very sick partner was diagnosed with Celiac. Even the slightest exposure to gluten can make him very ill for several days, so I have pursued gluten-free options with thorough aggression. In the U.S. a recent surge of gluten awareness means we have more choices than ever, but it still means hunting and analyzing and tracking down parent companies. After several years now of doing so, I want to share my tricks and tips with others who are still struggling.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Featured Gluten-Free Resource: NFCA

The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) is a comprehensive website that is a great ongoing resource for Celiac and gluten-intolerant individuals.  They cover recent news and research, offer fantastic tips and resources, recipes, and community resources such as gluten-free events and webinars.  They also offer training for health professionals to increase awareness and up-to-date treatment for Celiac. 

You can visit the NFCA at

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